Hand-Crafted Clarinet Bells
Exceptional Bells By Rice Clarinet WorksMade to exacting standards from the highest quality materials, these clarinet bells will improve every aspect of your playing. They will make your Buffet clarinet sound better, and can even breathe new life into an old clarinet!
- Improved Resonance from Ringless Design
- Increased Presence and Focus
- Enhanced Response and Clarity
Professional Clarinet Bells
Hand-Crafted Bells Available For Purchase Or For Trial
Wooden Clarinet Bells
These bells are made from beautiful unstained Grenadilla wood with a ringless design for better resonance. Our clients have been amazed at how big of a difference our bells have made on their instruments. Many players know what a great barrel can do, but a bell can make as big of a difference, if not more. Surprisingly, the whole range of the clarinet sings (not just the bell-notes), and many players describe a freedom that they were never able to achieve, previously.
Trial Policy for Clarinet Bells
Because of the high standards of manufacture, all of the bells above are practically identical. However, certain ones will play better with certain instruments. Because of this, your best option is to purchase multiple bells and keep the best one. We recommend trying at least two. Simply send back the unwanted one(s), and your card will be credited.
Bells are available for trial for seven days after their arrival. Bells returned in good condition and postmarked within this trial period will be credited back to your card, minus a 3% restocking fee.
“Your barrel (and bell) improves the intonation of this instrument, which plays as well as any clarinet I have ever owned. It is simply fantastic. The note to note balance is close to impeccable. “
“I received the horns and bells last Wed. and gave them a run both alone and with my instructor. We both loved the A bell. Not only am I keeping the A bell, but you will have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
“…more ring and resonance in the sound…”
“…a soloistic sound that was very freeing in nature. I could be a lot more musical.”
“I felt that for me I could project more than I ever could and my dynamic range improved greatly.”
“I thought I played with clarity before, but now it’s crystal clear!”
” So glad I said yes to a bell change. It has really opened up the sound and added great resonance to all the registers, particularly happy about the fullness of the sound in the upper register. All that and with the clarinet resting on my knee—you were absolutely right.”